Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Winding Road

Sometime ago Antique Mommy wrote a post about her life's journey and how she has taken the road less travelled. She asked what our journey has been like. That question seemed to stick with me so I thought about it a lot.

If I had to sum up my life's journey since I have been an adult in one word I would have to say "surprising".

You see, I am a planner. I imagine things out, then work my life around those dreams and set goals related to the dreams. Then reality hits.

As I have mentioned before, we have moved a few times. I never saw a single on of those moves coming. Each was a surprising change from "My Plan." Each move has stretched me, enriched me and made me better, even though many have not been easy or what I thought I wanted.

The House of Geek is about to embark on a new twist in the road. Way Cooler is shifting careers and we are returning to a place I never once thought I would live again. I am going back to my hometown.

With this new career comes a lot of changes and adjustments, it's not like anything he's ever done before (he even has to go back to school) but I've rarely seen the man so excited. There is nothing like sharing the unbridled joy of someone you love.

Way Cooler tends to be a tad private (those of you who actually know him know this to the understatement of the century) so I will not be blogging about what exactly it is that he will be doing but if you know us in real life, give us a shout, we'd love to fill you in.

I am in the midst of selling my house and the sheer pleasure that is keeping it in show-home-like state with two VERY active preschoolers. I am so thankful I am not a perfectionist or I think I would be hitting the bottle every evening right about now.

There are lots of good things about this move (To my seventh home in 11.5 years) including blog fodder. I won't have writers block for months I am certain. I probably won't have a lot of free time to blog either, but I will certainly try or I may have to pull out the previously mentioned bottle:)

All joking aside, this certainly isn't the biggest move we've ever made, but it's a change nonetheless, and all this week as I've been thinking about it, this song has been running through my head.

"All the Way my Saviour leads me
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt his tender mercy,
Who through life has been my guide?"

So, lead on Jesus, I'm looking forward to seeing what is around this bend!


KnittinChick said...

Sounds like a fun adventure! Thinking about you and will look forward to the new stories for blog fodder. You'll have to restart cheering for the best hockey team again!

TheOneTrueSue said...

We are facing a similar move - but still trying to figure out if we will actually go or not. It's so hard to know what the right thing to do is. Just know my sympathies are with you as you try to show your house. I know all too well what a pain in the butt it is to try to keep it clean. Arg.

Unknown said...

Love ya!

JCK said...

That's SO exciting! You are right. There is nothing like seeing a loved one's joy. Especially your husband's. Can't wait to hear about the journey and you are right. Blog fodder! :)

Middle-Aged Moi said...

SO THAT'S the big news? Phew. I thought you were going to be arrested for drug running again.

Bargainista said...

Surprise! Wow! Bless you for your positive attitude. i will be praying for ya' all! (Maybe...we will get to see you and your 3 boys when we get over there).

Dawn and Dale said...

I "know" you right???!!

PUUULLLEAAZE fill me in!!! ;)