Friday, March 14, 2008

I Need Your Input!

So, I was chatting with my sister (momofthecrazies) and she was saying something that I had to get her to repeat.  I mean, we all know she is OCD.  But this, I believe this takes the cake!  The thing is, she doesn't think it's weird at all.  Sooo, we need your help.  Which one of us is normal?  Relatively speaking?

We are taking a poll on the issue.   Really it's the weekend, what else do you have to do?

Leave your comment on the following question.

Do you rinse all your pop cans and bottles before recycling them or do you just chuck the puppies out in a box as soon as they are done?

We are dying to know.

Seriously.   Our lives currently revolve around snot, incessant talking, poop and snow.  This is a great diversion.

Thank-you and have a great weekend.


Bargainista said...

i do not rinse out my pop cans and bottles before taking them to the depot. (i do make sure they are completely empty first tho' b/c i hate getting that sticky stuff on my hands and clothes).

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I don't rinse. (gasp!) Too much work.

happygeek said...

OK, someone who shares my mom's DNA doesn't even rinse. Doesn't look good for you Momofthecrazies!

Unknown said...

What?!? I'm in shock that people don't rinse out their recycling. I don't want a sticky mess at the bottom of my recycling box and I would think it would cut down on flies and ants in the summer. It only takes 3 seconds to swirl a bit of water in the bottom of the can or jar or jug (or whatever it is). I think I'll have to get my sister-in-law to vote because I know she rinses/washes out her recycling too!

Here's a question for you Geeky. Do you rinse out your milk jugs?

happygeek said...

I rinse that which can rot. If not, nope.

KnittinChick said...

My technique involves a sink.

You hold your pop bottles or cans above the sink and give them a bit of a shake... I do remove the lids. Those nice people who work at the bottle depot don't want to remove my lids.

Bargainista is onto something!

happygeek said...

OK, Knittinchick, this is what normal eople do. YOu shake the stuff out and you are good to go!

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to get used to returning my bottles, etc to a depot when I move. Right now we put everything at the bottom of the driveway and they take it away for us. (Quite convenient!) Plus, I don't currently have to pay a bottle deposit which is quite nice too!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I rinse but I don't get obsessive about it. If the seams of the can still have tomato paste in them, so be it. But I will shake some water around everything that goes in the recycling bin.

Tez said...

I don't rinse the pop cans, juice boxes, pop bottles etc. Throw it in a garbage bag and forget about it.

Anonymous said...

This probably won't help at all, but here's my answer - I WANT to rinse the cans, but DH doesn't want me to because of wasting water, using up the septic, etc. So I don't. I do clean out the cans with food left inside though. P.S. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog today. I may actually write a post around how I came to that realization. OH, and congrats on the offer on your house!

Bargainista said...

Just had to add another note. i DO clean my tin cans b4 taking them to the recycle. i just remove the labels and rinse the cans, and you may not like to hear this, but i put them in the dishwasher and viola the guys at the recycle are happy. (Actually there is a fine in our town if you are caught throwing them in w. the garage). This town is aims to be environmentally friendly, and once you are onto this part of it, it's not a big deal. It's like wiping a runny nose, while you are blogging.

JCK said...

The only reason I rinse is that our recycle bin is outside and I try to avoid the ANTS. But, I know that you don't have to rinse the objects, they get rinsed at the r/c plant and...I'm wasting water resources by rinsing...

Unknown said...

Bargainista, you have made me happy with your comment. I've never thought of putting my tin cans in the dishwasher, but now...

TheOneTrueSue said...

Um - rinsing stuff that goes in the trash = NUTSO! My gosh, I barely rinse out the cups we use for actual drinking - I don't have time to rinse out stuff I'm chucking.

(I'm kidding. Sort of.)

FrazzMom said...

We definitely rinse food containers (plastic containers, spaghetti sauce jars, tin cans etc) and I have been know to even run them through the dishwasher if I have extra room.

Soda (as we call it in CA) cans just get emptied, no rinsing since we mainly drink diet- so no worries about sticky messes.

Thanks for commenting on my WFMW post- good luck on your move!

Jeana said...

OH-KAY. I am not OCD in the least (really--laid back) but I rinse them now because one time a neighbor gave us five bags of Coke cans to recycle for a Boy Scout fund raiser, all unrinsed, and they drew bees like crazy. And there may be a member or two of my family who is pathologically afraid of bees. Not an experience that I am anxious to repeat.