Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Incredible Shrinking Geek

I am currently on a diet changing my lifestyle to reflect more healthful eating and excercising choices.

It sucks.

They say that last 15 pounds of baby weight can be difficult to lose. "They" were not kidding. The baby is two. However, I have recently come to the conclusion that my eating habits may be more to blame than anything else. Shocking, I know.

So, now I am eating fruit and veggies when I want a snack, only having one helping at dinner, walking every day that I can and waking up in the mddle of the night dying for a Big Bacon Classic. Or at least a handful of Hawkins cheezies.

This had better be worth it.

Anyway, I have some questions. How do I cope with the incessant feeling of hunger? Does it go away? Any good excercise videos I can do for when the snow starts falling? And most importantly, is this actually going to work?

Becuase if I have to deal with toddler melt-downs on an hourly basis without the healing power of chocloate and I don't shrink a size soon I'm going to pitch a fit that is bigger than my rear end. And that is saying something.


KnittinChick said...

Seriously, don't go through burnout. You'll be fighting those 15 pounds then too.

Maybe envisioning the Big Bacon Classic as an evil monster that is chasing your assets might help take away some of the thirst for it.

Unknown said...

I personally think you're perfect the way you are.

By the way, now I'm craving Hawkins Cheezies. And chocolate.

Tez said...

AH HA! You rock.
make your husband buy you a treadmill for winter, I promise you'll love it. *a good one, motorize with incline and programable track*
good luck~!

Char said...

Hey girl, yes, the cravings go away. In fact, as soon as you see the scale hand moving downward, or your pants sliding downward even when they are done up, you will find the desire for the food changes into a desire for a new you!! (Whew! That was a run on!!)

When you screw up, start again, don't just write off the day. Eating one Big Bacon Classic may be forgivable, but three is calorie-overload!! Lol!!

I too think you are wonderful, and incredible tiny to begin with, but heck, some people don't know why I am trying to lose that same 15 pounds AGAIN. What was I thinking having baby #4 immediately after losing it all???

Aw well, he was worth it!!

Love you

Char said...

Hey girl, yes, the cravings go away. In fact, as soon as you see the scale hand moving downward, or your pants sliding downward even when they are done up, you will find the desire for the food changes into a desire for a new you!! (Whew! That was a run on!!)

When you screw up, start again, don't just write off the day. Eating one Big Bacon Classic may be forgivable, but three is calorie-overload!! Lol!!

I too think you are wonderful, and incredible tiny to begin with, but heck, some people don't know why I am trying to lose that same 15 pounds AGAIN. What was I thinking having baby #4 immediately after losing it all???

Aw well, he was worth it!!

Love you

granola_granny said...

Someone told me once that when you are 'dieting' and get hungry you are supposed to either drink a glass of water or brush your teeth. I decided to try it and have discovered that you remain a rather plump granny who slooshes when she power walks, but you have the whitest teeth in town.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

WEll, as far as I could see when I met you, you didn't need to lose any weight. However, I exercise all the time to try and keep the weight off. It still stays on. So you think it's the FOOD I'm me get this straight. Cheeseburgers make you fat? Candy? Chocolate? Are you serious? That just sucks. ;-)

a Tonggu Momma said...

I have gained about 10 pounds this past year -- I like to call it "waiting for my baby" fat. I never thought I would become an emotional eater, but I am now.

I need to lose weight, too. Having never done it before, I'm completely clueless. I'd love a few pointers, too. I'm thinking Granola Granny's suggestions are excellent -- at least I'll have white teeth.

Bargainista said...

A couple of things that have helped me are-
Use a luncheon plate rather than a dinner plate at meal time...just not as much room for food and eat slowly.
Inbetween meal snacks- fresh veggies or fresh fruit and
don't deprive yourself of a treat or that's all you'll be thinking of (at least that's the way i'm wired). i like the snacks that are done up in bags of 100 or less calories. Good luck! i'm trying to lose a few pounds myself right now.

Bargainista said...

A couple of things that have helped me are-
Use a luncheon plate rather than a dinner plate at meal time...just not as much room for food and eat slowly.
Inbetween meal snacks- fresh veggies or fresh fruit and
don't deprive yourself of a treat or that's all you'll be thinking of (at least that's the way i'm wired). i like the snacks that are done up in bags of 100 or less calories. Good luck! i'm trying to lose a few pounds myself right now.

Bargainista said...
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Alyson said...

just drink instead ;)