Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I took the boys tobogganing on Monday.  As we headed out I  thought "I cannot ever remember my mom taking us kids tobogganing all by herself."  Which proves one thing.  My mom is waaay smarter than I am.

I wanted to make memories.  The only memories my kids will have from this trip will involve sliding down half the hill on their face, lots of snow in their mitts, a hill so icy that they could not climb back up, and a mommy who snapped a lot.

Precious memories. 

Not only is my mom smarter than I am, she is also a super talented seamstress.  I on the other hand have difficulty threading my sewing machine.  And that is the part I do the best.  So, if you can't sew, it helps to have a mom who can.  Then you can have things like this for your children.

Sprout has had this for two months and still has to talk about it Every.Single.Morning.  Can't say  I blame him.  Cars and colours.  It's nirvana for toddler boys in a wall hanging.

Yes, I did cut off my mom's head in this picture.  That's on purpose.  She is a beautiful woman but if I post her picture on the internet I have a funny feeling she will cut me out of the will.  Or worse.  She'll leave me her sewing machine.  I told you she was smart.


Knittinchick said...

My mom &/or dad took us tobagganing all the time... that's the difference between Saskatchewan and Alberta winters... a bad case of cabin fever makes it not seem so bad. I have some great memories of tobagganing and was wanting to go the other day-don't lose hope!

As for the car quilt... your mom truly is a hero. She was cutting and sewing for ages. I love that Sprout talks about it all the time-that's her reward. Maybe she will leave you her sewing machine... or to a niece that would appreciate it.

granola_granny said...

Hey I'm counting on HG's mom staying around long enough to go through two more sewing machines. She is amazing isn't she? I saw her lovingly cutting out all those colorful shapes. The finished product looks fantabulous! I wonder if she does projects for neices and nephews whose mom is still sewing draw string bags?

Lady Why said...

Oh, Happygeek! That quilt makes my quilt-loving heart go pitter pat! And, I can't even thread my sewing machine. Flibby does it for me. Ha! There's hope for all of us 'thread challenged' sewers!

Did she use a pattern? i.e. Where can I get my hands on that awesome pattern???

Bargainista said...

Love the way Sprout's quilt turned out! i saw it in progress and know that it is a gift of love.

You 'may' be interested to know that most sewing machines now have an automatic threader, which really does help to give you a kick start. Don't burn any bridges on inheriting that machine. You could change your mind.

Heather of the EO said...

Your mom IS smart. And talented. Miles would certainly blow a gasket at the sight of a such a work of art.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Oh my gosh, HG! My MIL made a quilt for my FIL that looks so, so similar. She's a professional quilter.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I LOVE the part about "if you can't sew, it helps to have a mother who can". Truer words have never been spoken.

I LOVE the wall hanging. It is BEAUTIFUL. Your mom has talent!!!!!

Unknown said...

Too bad Mom's talents haven't been passed on to her daughters...

CC said...

I took the kids sledding during our freak snow week. The whole time I was thinking "why the heck didn't I make Professor X come too!!!".

LOVE the quilt. I'd talk about it all the time if I had it. Will she make me one??? ;)

gramgram said...

I'm a little late here, but I must comment on the quilt. I was with your Mom when she purchased some of the fabrics. We had fun shopping and seeing it completed brings back lots of memories. gramgram