Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sprout Says

This made me grin.

You may need to share my DNA to find this funny, but hey, it's my blog, I'll bore you if I want to.

Me: And today we are going over to A's house to play in their yard because they have grass and a fence.
(For those of you new here, this is my back yard. Isn't it purty?)

Sprout: A fence! Holy smokes.
( He's three so it sounds bit more like Hony Shmokes)

Me: Oh Sprout, we don't say that. Only God is Holy. We are to be very careful with the word Holy.   It's very important.

Sprout: But Jesus can.

Me: Jesus can what?

Sprout: Jesus can say Holy smokes. Because he is Holy too.

Me: You're right, Jesus is Holy too. Hey look, the sun is shining! (Please let this conversation end, please please please.)

We may need to brush up on the third commandment again.


a Tonggu Momma said...

so... the grass is always greener... and the smoke is always holier...

CC said...

R'uh R'oh! Never thought about the word holy like that before. "holy cow" is a regular in my vocabulary.....

Knittinchick said...

A child shall lead them!

Unknown said...

He is hilarious! I'll be laughing for the rest of the day!

Char said...

Holy cow is better that Holy Crap, which could very well be one of Seth's first phrases!! Ooops.

TeeHart said...

OK, this one is a winner... My 3 year old daughter was on the toilet the other day taking a poop. When I came in the bathroom she said:

"Mom! Look at that! (pointing to the poo of course). Mom - say Holy Smokes!"

I think her dad must say that when he's in awe of what she has delivered to the porcelain throne... sigh. What's a mom to do?

Middle-Aged Moi said...

My kids aren't allowed to say "Holy" anything either. They have even told their friends about it. Together, we shall take over the world.....bwwwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaa

Sorry. Evil genius moment. Um...cute story, HG. :-) said...

I am desperately trying to get my 3 year old to stop saying "Oh. Mah. Gawd." I swear, I don't know WHERE she picked it up from...