Wednesday, January 20, 2010


A long time ago I made a commitment to myself to not blog when my kids were awake. I'm beginning to have a bit of a problem with that. They are ALWAYS awake. ALWAYS. And when they sleep I either want to drop into a big heap on the floor, take a bath or restore my house to some sort of semblance of order. Think? Not so much.

PLUS, our days have not been all that interesting. They've been good days (and some not so good) but ordinary. And while I think ordinary rocks, it doesn't make for a good blog. At least not for this blogger. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that none of you care to hear that ground beef is on sale at Co-op which has sort of been the highlight of my week this week. Well, that and no one has pooped or peed on my floor. Woot Woot.

See, scintillating it is not.

Anyway, I was sort of lamenting the lack of "excitement" around here as I drove to my massage the other night. (Insert ominous foreshadowing music). Way Cooler has a great extended health plan which covers a wack-load of massages every year. So I was headed to one my little brother had recommended. I'd never been there before and I made a wrong turn. (The music gets louder) No problem. I went to flip a u-turn on a narrow side street.

And found myself stuck in a snowbank.

STUCK. Not getting out stuck. Not even when I shovelled. (Yes, I carry a shovel in my van. Doesn't everyone?)

Yahoo, I solved the whole nothing to blog about problem nicely. Now if I could just get out of the flipping snowbank. It turns out, that no matter how independent I try to be, this is one problem I just could not solve myself.

I had to end up calling my brother. I would have called my husband but he was at home with our kids and the carseats, well, they were with me. Which effectively stranded him.

And here is where I'd like to publicly apologize to my brother for all the names I called him growing up. I'd also like to apologize for tattling, teasing, lying and that unfortunate incident with the ski-pole.

He came right way. He hooked my van up to my truck, pulled me out and didn't once laugh. Even though I KNOW he wanted to. I was stuck in a SNOWBANK for crying out loud.

My parents had always told us growing up that we should look out for each other. Because that is what family does.

I'm so glad he listened.


Knittinchick said...

STOP! You had me laughing and then tearing up....

Yeah for an awesome brother... who looked out for you!

a Tonggu Momma said...

He didn't laugh? WHAT a good guy! And this kinda makes my pine tree look insignificant today. Heh.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Do you think I should try and get stuck in my pile of snow? Does that qualify as a snow bank? I'm all ears about this.

Unknown said...

Ah yes, the ski pole incident :)

Nicole said...

Hooray for getting you out of the snowbank without laughter. I'm not even sure my brothers would come and rescue me, let alone rescue me without extreme taunting.

Also, hooray for no poop or pee on the floor! THAT is a notable acheivement.

C said...

Hope you enjoyed your massage after all that! What are brothers for!!

beck'sthree said...

Just wandered onto your blog from This Heavenly Life and am so glad I did! I just read about 10 posts and must make myself stop reading now.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

You probably shouldn't wish for any more excitement. I'm just sayin'.....

Pam said...

That was really quite awww....

I imagine my brother might have dug me out too in these circumstances but he lives 400 miles away and I'm quite sure he doesn't love me that much.

Beck said...

Awwwww. Your brother loves you!

I often feel like my life is way too dull to ever blog about. I ignore this feeling and IT GOES AWAY.