Monday, August 23, 2010

Stuff Geeks Like

Since I am currently avoiding thinking about putting my naive, imaginative, little boy on a bus for an hour and a half every day, I got thinking about all the things I LOVE about summer. The list is really too long and boring for a blog, but then I got thinking "products!"


The stuff that makes summer flow easily around here. The stuff that I get NO MONEY or stuff for endorsing here on my blog with seven readers, but whose awesomeness makes me want to bore you tell you about anyway.

Water Shoes. Also known as aquasocks. LOVE them. The boys can go from sand to water to germ-infested playpark when we are at the lake and be comfortable at all three. We also use them at wading pool, creeks and splash pads. Plus, they are cheap like borscht. I get mine at Joe (in Superstore) and they really are the best seven bucks I spend all summer.

Coopertone Kids Spray-on Sunscreen This has CHANGED OUR LIVES when it comes to sun protection. It is easy-peasy and it works really well. Sprout is a very very pale little thing with almost platinum blond hair. He is the poster child for potentially bad burns. He hasn't even gotten pink. And we LIVE outside all summer (well, when it's not pretending to be winter around here). It is not cheap, but coupons come out in late spring and it seems to be marked down a fair bit at Walmart in May and June. To this cheap-o it is worth every penny.

Opi Nail Polish I have taken to giving myself pedicures after being given a bottle of this stuff. I am the world's biggest klutz and this stuff is perfect for me. It flakes off skin easily, (Yes, this is important, I tend to drip) goes on smoothly and lasts for a long time, long time. I've always used the cheap drugstore stuff but I am converted this summer.

Dripless Ice Pops These are super easy to make, quite healthy and completely mess free. No nasty freezies for us and should someone hypothetically leave one lying on the deck for three hours, it will retain it's shape, just not it's tastiness. Hypothetically.

Contigo Water Bottles These are fantastic. They do NOT leak. At all. No matter what you do. Mayhem and Havoc have certainly tried. We've used them all summer and we've saved a ton of plastic bottles and juice boxes. Also hypothetically, if your children are given to biting things, the rubber coating on the bottom does not stand up to repeated gnawing. Hypothetically.

So, how about you? What could you not make it through the summer without?


Unknown said...

I'm totally with you on the Contigo water bottles. I love them so much I bought some for Dave and me.

Nicole said...

Spray on sunscreen is awesome. I love it for myself as well so I can get spots I can't reach with my hands. I bought Banana Boat and it had such a bad drip that I was unimpressed with spray ons, then I tried a better brand and WOW! Also, OPI nail polish actually got me to stop biting my nails in my 20s. So, I heart OPI.

About the bus...sigh...I can only imagine how hard that must be for you.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the's really only about an hour a day (not lots longer than just driving him yourself). And, he'll have way more fun on the bus. We're having to drive H to school and he's complaining that he's not taking the can't win :)

Miss you guys. And no, the house hasn't sold yet :(

Karen C

a Tonggu Momma said...

Whoever invented spray-on sunscreen deserves a Nobel Peace Prize... because moms everywhere experience much greater levels of peace as a result of said invention.

And I painted my toenails just before BlogHer. First time since my wedding over 10 years ago. And the nailpolish? Opi. I'm guessing my ignorant self has good taste.