Monday, January 21, 2008

The End Of An Era


That is the sound both I and the computer were making on Friday. It's not good coming from either of us. Especially a computer. According to the techies at Geek Squad that is the sound of a motherboard frying.

Apparently that is bad.

The good news is, the stuff on the hard drive is safe. I spent Friday worrying that all of the boys' pictures would be lost. (Yes, I know we are supposed to back them up, but knowing and doing are two separate things.) I called my sister (you may know her as momofthecrazies - we'll just call her crazymom for short) and started to lament the fact that my pictures might be gone and she said "what all twelve of them?" I could really feel the love.

Sooo, we are getting a new computer. After years of wandering in the PC wilderness we have returned to the land of the Apple. The cheering you hear is Way Cooler. He really wanted an iMac. REALLY REALLY. But, his cranky, domineering , prudent wife would not let him. I wanted us to wait for our present computer to bite the dust before we splurged on a new one. This waiting allowed him to save up enough birthday money and honorariums to pay for his new toy iMac outright.

And now the cheap geek will do the dance of joy.

I actually think our old computer died of a broken heart, because Way Cooler loved to look up iMacs on it and drool. A girl begins to take the hint after a while.

It is going to be a few days before the much anticipated new computer arrives. Till that time the blogging will be sporadic as I have to use Way Cooler's work laptop and

a) I hate laptop keyboards

b) Apparently Way Cooler's work is more important than blogging. (I beg to differ, but his work seems to pay better than blogging).


KnittinChick said...

You have been sucked into the dark side commonly known as the Mac fans. There are a few of them at work and they tend to really love their Macs...a little disturbing!

LeahRenfrew said...

I have to say that teacherman was alittle bit jealous when he heard you had an i mac it is his dream computer but i, also being a wife of all those things you mentioned, will never let it happen untill this comp is good and dead and when he has a good paying permanent job!! Oh by the way this is your new to bloging cousin's tall wife.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oh dear, a Mac-ie. Well, I guess we can't be friends now.....:-)

Recovering Sociopath said...

You will be a much happier geek with your iMac! I converted from PC when I married my very intelligent and wise husband, who has been a Mac user since I was in grade school.

"They work," he said. And he was right.

Congratulations. :)

JCK said...

"I could really feel the love." LMAO here, girl! Sorry about your computer, but is sounds like Way Cooler is psyched over the new purchase.

I'm with you on the laptop keyboards, but am SO wanting a laptop.

Unknown said...

And now I'm "feeling the love" with the "crazymom" comment. Watch out - I may smack ya when I see you on Saturday!!

Tez said...

I love sisters!
You'll love the mac. It's like a toy, oh the places you'll go!

PS some of the most important jobs pay nothing....

Dawn and Dale said...

I think my man might get along well with your man!! lol ;)

Bargainista said...

i've been away for over a wk. and was just glad to know that i only missed a couple of your blogs. Congratulations on the new computer. i have no comment on computer names. i am just lucky my daughter fixed things up so i can get onto your blog and hers.

JCK said...

Come BACK! COME BACK! she wails....

Char said...

Hmmmm, how to say this....

My experience with Mac people is that they just want to talk about their computer and how great it is!! Blah! How boring! But I know after the first few posts, you'll talk about something else, right???

No, seriously....

Lol!! Love ya!!