Monday, February 18, 2008

The Geek Expresses an Opinion

Warning: This post is about politics. The views expressed within this post are solely those of the Hapy Geek and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the rest of her family (or province for that matter).

Recently I have been reading a lot of Republican bloggers who are all stressed about who they are going vote for in the primaries. I really want to comment on their blogs and say "it doesn't matter!" I refrain however, Americans take their politics quite seriously and I don't need all the cranky rebuttals I might get.  But honestly my Republican friends, do you think it matters at all? Are you actually convinced the Republicans might win this election? As a Canadian outsider, I gotta tell you, unless they run a Santa Claus/ Easter Bunny ticket, there is no way there will be a Republican in the White House in 2009.

Now, I am neither Republican or Democrat. I can see the merits and pitfalls of both parties, it's not that I want one or the other to win, I can just see the obvious. The US economy has really seen better days. There is a mortgage crisis and the war in Iraq appears to be going nowhere.

I understand that all of these things are big complex issues and it is foolhardy to blame it all on the current administration.    That being said, I am certain that most Americans are not happy with the way things are and are looking for someway to enact chance. For many of them, their only option will be the ballot box.

On the flip side, if this was the state of the country at the end of a Democratic reign, you can bet that the GOP would be headed for 1600 Pennsylvania Drive. It's not a reflection on the party as much as on the need of average citizens to do something. If Washington is anything like Ottawa, it's a big messy bureaucracy that leaves the average person feeling a bit powerless, so we exercise our right to vote as our way of making our voice heard.

So, my Republican friends, you've got 8.5 months to get ready for it, but yes, chances are VERY good  your next commander in chief will be a woman or man whose middle name is Hussein. Several of you have lamanted the possiblity of both in your blogs, but you know what, one of the two are going happen and to me that's not necessarily good or bad, it just is.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I'm Canadian, like you, so all I really care about is free health care. Just kidding.

KnittinChick said...

Thank you for your little rant. There will be change... will it be a man or a woman is the question that seems to be more exciting to me than the Republican question. Oh, and Americans, the rest of the world is watching as they know it affects them. Just ask my friend in North Africa.

Unknown said...

Some day you'll have to explain to me how the American political system works. I have enough trouble remembering the difference between Republican and Democrat (and which is which). At least I can tell you the difference between Canadian political parties!

Tez said...

I have family who live in the US, and being considered "America JR" I follow their politics closely, and I really have to agree with your assesment, I think the republicans are out to lunch for this election, but you know what, I REALLY REALLY hope to see Ron Paul run an independant ticket and win the presidency. Check him out cause he's got some amazing policy and platform going on.

JCK said...

You betcha, Canadian sistuh! :)

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I'm an American and I'd be considered more of a Republican than a Democrat (although I'm registered as an Independent), and I tend to agree with your assessment here. Rightly or wrongly, the majority of the country is ready for change. It wouldn't matter who was in the White House right now. Everyone's just ready to flip the remote and get a different channel.

Lady Why said...
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Lady Why said...

Oh, I'm so sad to say that you are right. All three of the choices (John McCain being our laughable nominee, unfortunately) are bad. It's going to be a long four years. :(

I'd move to Canada but I think the winters would kill me! Ha! It's 31 degrees this morning here in the southeast and I'm in a whiny mood about it! ;-)