Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In Case You Didn't Know That I am a Geek

We got a call today booking a  house showing for tomorrow night.  Normally showings (with appointments) make me very happy, (let's just sell this puppy) but my first thought was OH NO!.

You see, all week I have been looking forward to two things.

It's kinda like heaven for a political geek, two major debates in one night.  I had a date with a bowl of popcorn and the remote.

Now I'll be entertaining my kids on the mall at 6:30 instead of watching my debates.  Sigh. 

I wonder if I can tape them?


KnittinChick said...

I don't know if there'd be any family friendly bars that would be showing the political stuff instead of the hockey games... probably not.

In case you want to be jealous of me, I'm working at the next election. I even get a title of some sort of Fancy Pants Officer. Jealous, now? Or maybe I've just taken over the geeky status!

happygeek said...

Because you don't have enough to do? I thought you were all about simplification? Or is this earn enough extra moolah for a vacation?

Middle-Aged Moi said...

The premier's debate is tomorrow? I had no idea! Thanks for the heads up. I will be joining you in your "geekdom".

Unknown said...

Okay, you really are a geek. But we love you anyhow.

KnittinChick said...

Happy Geek... I get paid $50 for a lunchtime training meeting and $210 for the day of meeting my neighbors... bring on the vacation fund! I'll just tell everyone else that I'm civic minded.

Tez said...

Hey, or down load it! But it would be so nice to watch it. Hmmmm selling the house for the family, or be informed for the country.....what to do, what to do ;p

Good luck, I hope you get good results of the showing!

JCK said...

I missed the Democratic debate, too. I heard it was a good one. Very nice of you to follow U.S. politics. Or maybe you're just laughing your head off...