Wednesday, January 16, 2008

You Know You Might Be a Redneck When...

The other day it was too nice out to stay inside so I bundled up the boys and we headed out into the wild blue yonder, or at least around the block. I had Sprout in the sled and made Spud walk to help wear off the 7 bowls of cornflakes he ate for breakfast. ( I really do fear for when he is a teenager, we are going to have to rob a bank to pay for the groceries.)

Anyway, while on the walk Spud decided to amuse himself by sticking his foot into the snowbanks on the edge of the sidewalk and pretending to be stuck. Every 10 feet or so. The whole walk. Nothing like forcing mommy to stop and smell the roses. Unfortunately the roses are under about 2 feet of snow. Sigh.

About half way through the walk I spotted it. Sitting alone on the side of the curb. Rejected by its previous owners, not even the garbage man would take it. So there it sat, calling me. It was a quilt rack in perfect shape. Could I refuse? Not a chance.

So there I was pulling a 21 month old intent on escaping the sled, a 3 year with one foot in every snowbank he could find and a quilt rack on my arm. What a classy family. At least we gave the neighbours something to talk about!


KnittinChick said...

Do you even want a quilt rack? Don't worry if you don't want it the crazy aunties might have a little arm wrestle over it this year at the sisters' weekend.

JCK said...

Very cool find.

The best thing we have in our backyard is a plastic seesaw that I picked up around the corner. Someone was throwing it out. I cannot tell you how many hours of fun it has given BOY & GIRL and their friends who come over to our house. Yeah to freebies! And to not being ashamed of hauling the stuff off!

happygeek said...

Above all, I am uber-cheap. Can't bear to see useful things tossed out. If I cannot use the rack I will give it away or else sell it. When we were in Texas, we did this on a way-too often basis. I sold several things that I had found in the trash.

Plus, yes, Chicky, it might be fun to watch an arm-wrestle at camp rainbow!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Don't be ashamed of dumpster diving! :-) Just tell people that you "recycle!" :-)

Bargainista said...

i don't intend to see your treasured quilt rack at Camp Rainbow. i DO want to see a picture of it with the quilt that you make draped over it! Go Happy Geek Go!!!