Monday, November 19, 2007

NaBloPoMo Recommended Reading

One of my favorite bloggers is participating in NabloPoMo. Those participating have to write a post every day of November. This would kill me. I can't even commit to one particular brand of toothpaste let alone committing to blogging everyday!

However, JCK has been up to the challenge. She is (among other things) chronicling how she came to be a mom to two kids born ten months apart. It is enthralling. All my mommy-in-waiting friends, you NEED to go read her adoption journey. JCK has brought alive the heartbreak of infertility, yet shows how the dream of family just refuses to die.

Take tissues.

I discovered Motherscribe through a Works for me Wednesday post. This led to the unfortunate cookie incident but also to a talented writer who is graciously sharing her heart on a most sensitive subject. I am better for having read her story. You will be too.


JCK said...

Thank YOU for being such a lovely cyber friend and for making me laugh so often. I feel blessed.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Checking them out.....