I was thinking of doing a touching tribute to her. One where I listed how great she is, how blessed I am to have her as a sister, how she is my rock in the midst of the craziness that is mothering toddlers, basically where I told the world how wonderful she is.
But what's the fun in that?
Instead I am going to tell you a little story.
About a year and a half ago we got sucked in the vortex that is the blogging world. We only read them, but whenever we encountered a good one we'd let send each other an email with a link encouraging them to check it out.
When I started this blog last September I didn't really tell anyone. I just started. A few days later I sent my sister an e-mail telling her to check this one out. So she did. She had read it for a few days and then she read this post.
She realized she had read this list before. It was in an email I had sent her. She called me all aflutter that I was being plagiarized. She left me a message to call her back right away.
It took a few more minutes for the light to come on.
So, when people ask me if I am worried that my real identity will be found out, I must confess, that if my own sister couldn't figure it out, I'm probably safe.
Although after sharing that story with the internet, safe may be relative. Beware the wrath of crazy.
Love ya, little sis. Happy Birthday.